
If your spiritual philosophy is not moving you to the state of peace, health, wealth, and love your spirit need a new spiritual philosophy.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts 
What is your spiritual philosophy? Your life philosophy? Is it leading you to the places you want to go? Is it moving you through the challenges and... more »

Truth is more than a mental exercise.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
The human mind is always searching for truth. The mind guides us through books. It interprets our experiences. It limits us based on our...more »


God is as dependent on you as you are on Him.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
One good way to know whether something is working is to actually see it work. No matter what your philosophy, regardless how much you believe it, if it does not produce, it is worthless. God is the same way....more »


A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
If you had to tell someone in ten words or less what you stand for in life, what would you say? It might be noble to speak of the liberation....more »



The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
There are many times in life when we want to do, know we should do, may even know what or how to do, but we don't. At these times we are relying on the body. We must realize that...more »




There are three kinds of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, those who wonder what happened.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
I was thinking about it but...I was going to but...I want to but...I wish I could but...These are the excuses we give...more »


Instead of wallowing in my misery, I just made some changes.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
You can do something the same way for so long that you begin to do it without thinking. When you are not thinking about what you are doing, you may not recognize its...more »


If we stand tall it is because we stand on the backs of those who came before

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
As painful as it may be to accept, that our ancestors were required to die as part of the evolution of the race. They died in order that or genius could...more »


Sometimes the strong die, too!

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Are you one of those people who is always there when somebody needs you? You know just what to say, exactly what to do to turn the worst situation into a...more »


You must live within your sacred truth.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
So much of our time, energy and attention is wasted trying to convince other people how wrong they are about us. We want them to know we are not....more »


Education is your passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Education is not limited to the classroom. It takes place in the kitchen, on the corner, as you ride or walk to any destination, when you listen or speak to others...more »


The determination to outwit one's situation means that one has no models, only object lessons.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
If your facing a challenge in your life, before asking someone else what to do, remember what you did the last time. Nothing is new in life. Everything has been...more »


One's work may be finished someday but one's education, never.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Unless you make every waking a learning process, you are wasting a major portion of your life. You can learn from people you do not like as well as...more »


How I wish I could pigeon-hole myself and neatly fix a label on! But self-knowledge comes too late! By the time I've known myself I am no longer what I was.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
You are growing and learning every moment of every day. Regardless of what you have been told, you can and do change with every new experience. Each experience enhances your...more »


Lord, make me so uncomfortable that I will do the very thing I fear.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
When it is time for us to grow we get restless. When it is time for us to move forward we get tense. When the time comes for us to let go of the things we...more »


It is impossible to pretend that you are not heir to, and therefore, however inadequately or unwillingly, reponsible to, and for, the time and places that give you life.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
We each come into this life to learn, relearn or unlearn something we need to know. As difficult as it may be to accept, we choose the exact circumstances...more »


The dog is sometimes smarter than the owner.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
The tongue has no mind of its own. Like a dog, the tongue follows where the owner leads. If the owner leads the dog into harm's way, the dog will not question the...more »


You don't always have to say something.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Everytime we open our mouths we release a powerful energy. If we could learn to hold on to that energy, it could be used to nurture our dreams, heal...more »


The tongue of a man is his sword.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Wars do not begin when one force is aggressive towards another. They begin when one force speaks aggression toward another. No act of aggression begins without ...more »


You,ve been tricked! You've been had! Hoodwinked! Bamboozled!

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Somebody sure pulled a fast one on you! Somebody, somewhere tricked you into believing there were certain things you could not do because of who you...more »


Speak your truth, and speak it quick!

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Saying what you really think, feel or believe is often difficult. Usually you don't want to hurt other people's feelings. Even when they infuriate y...more »


You must never be stupid enough to say, or smart enough to admit, you "know" what someone else is talking about. The moment you do your learning stops.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Generally speaking, the ego encourages you to constantly prove yourself and what you already know. When you are in the presence of someone you feel the nee...more »


The one thing grander than the sea is the sky. The one thing greater than the sky is the human spirit.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
The reason we can't get clear is because we have so many things cluttering our minds and lives. We have so much mental chatter we can't hear ourselves t...more »


Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect and make everyone deal with you the same way.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Many of us live day to day without a real sense of purpose. We know we want more out of life, but we can't seem to put a finger on exactly what it is. We belie...more »


Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first call promising.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
The road of life is strewn with the bodies of promising people. People who show promise, yet lack the confidence to act. People who make promises...more »


You can look ahead, you can look behind, what is written cannot be changed.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
We cannot change the color of our skin. What we can change is how we feel about it.We cannot change a pain-filled past. What we can do is change...more »


Where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
We can become so consumed with trying to make it that we never do. Unfortunately, before we know it, we are seated by age, hardened by experiences...more »


Dont let anyone steal your spirit.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
There are times when we find ourselves at odds with someone. It may seem that our only choices are to get caught up in the situation or walk away. The ego tells us...more »


I ain't gonna study war no more...

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Let us insist on peace today turning our minds away from war. There is war in our hearts, minds, body organs, and words because of the fast pace...more »


Keep Thy Heart With All Diligence.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Queen Maat is the gatekeeper of the heart. It is said that before man can pass on to eternal peace, his heart must be balanced on the scale...more »


A delay is not a denial.

Mind Of Matter at Faithful Acts
Patience is a virtue many do not posses. We have very little difficulty identifying what we want and need. The difficulty comes in waiting for it to manifest....more »